

Д-р Ангел Налбански

Dr. Angel Nalbanski m.d. consults his patients in those areas:

  • Gynecological examination
  • Ultrasound diagnostics
  • Colposcopy and PAP smear (prevention of cervical cancer)
  • Microbiological examination of vaginal microflora
  • Consultations in the field of infertility (sterility, infertility)
  • Consultations in women with endometriosis, polycystic ovaries and menstrual disorders
  • Consultation and performance of gynecological operations:
    • minimally invasive gynecological surgery (laparoscopy, hysteroscopy);
    • conventional gynecological surgery;
    • urogynecological surgery (correction of urine leakage);
    • oncogynecological surgery (for cancers of the female genital organs).
  • Consultations and examinations during pregnancy
  • Normal delivery
  • Operative delivery (Caesarean section)

ATTENTION: The examinations, consultations and manipulations in "Dr. Gunev" Medical Centre are paid. We do NOT work with referrals to the National Health Insurance Fund. We accept additional health insurance and issue the necessary documents for private health insurance funds. Payment at the medical centre is made in cash due to technical necessity.


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Medical Center “Dr. Gunev”
Sofia, 33 Pentcho Slaveykov Blvd.

Phone: +359 2 415 4919

Mobile: +359 89 918 0995

Visitation days:
Wednesday 14:00 PM - 17:30 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM